When Video Games Become Addictive

Addiction isn’t only a grown-up issue. Children can be addicts as well. Computer game addiction is on the ascent in kids under 18, and the outcomes can be serious. Eighty-eight percent of U.S. kids play computer games; as per a Harris Poll Survey of 1,178 children somewhere in the range of 8 and 18, about 10% might be computer game addicts.

These children generally have eight of the 11 side effects found in gambling addiction. Children who are addicted to computer games can suffer unpleasant repercussion like failure to focus on school, low grades, a craving to escape from the real world, getting into fights with mates unnecessarily, lessened enthusiasm for family, companions, get-togethers, side interests, and games, inability to get sleep or rest because of time spent gaming, powerlessness to quit playing video games, investing more resources on the internet.

The scripture in Prov. 22:6, explicitly states that the parent/guardian should train the child in the way of the Lord, so he would remain in it when he grows. The children are still pretty young and could sometimes out of place with the actions and decision but with consistent teaching and training of the commands and biddings of God, children won’t do it wrong way morally. Addiction of any kind is an outright sin in the sight of God, as a Christian parent, we are to properly guide our children against it.

According to attitudemag.com, Kids who are addicted to video games are more than twice as likely to have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Boys are more likely than girls to develop a video game addiction and to have game addiction symptoms.

The main line of the barrier for guardians is to be alarmed for early indications of gaming habit and as far as possible on Internet movement. The cutoff points can be strengthened with negative results if disregarded and positive outcomes when regarded. On the off chance that the computer game dependence has turned out to be severe to the point that is it’s not any more sensible at home, there are an assortment of treatment choices accessible, for example, intellectual or social treatment, individual or gathering advising, private treatment programs, wild treatment, outpatient treatment programs, stimulant drugs, for example, Bupropion (Wellbutrin).

The Bible clearly notes that addictions are a real problem people face in this world. These scriptures could be a form of support in trying times (1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7) (1 Corinthians 6:18).

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