Negative effects of video games on kids

Anything that has merits comes with demerits, the same applies to video games. Even though there are several benefits of playing video games, there are some disadvantages that comes with it.

Some of them are listed below:

  • Health problems: It is vital to note that when a child spend several hours playing video games instead of taking part in physical activities, it is detrimental to their health.

If the child fails to go out more often and socialize with his peers, there is a tendency for his cognitive development to be affected.

In addition, staying in one position and playing video games increases the tendency of having obesity, it also weakens the joints and muscles. Moreso, video games affect the eyesight of your children because they spend too much screen time.

  • Academic issues: When a child gets hooked on video games, they will typically prefer playing video games to anything related to school. Due to the fact that school work is often portrayed as burdensome, it becomes easy for children to fully divert their attention to video games.
  • Contact with wrong values: There are several games on the internet market that portrays wrong values and social vices. And the sad part is, several kids are exposed to such games and they pick up one or two lessons from the game which could adversely affect their lives.

Due to the fact that the architectural pattern of their brain is still developing, it is somewhat difficult for children to differentiate wrong from right, until they are fully in the real world.

  • Social Disconnected: Children who spend too much time playing video games tend to be disconnected from the society. And this affects their interpersonal skills because they will find it difficult to interact in the real world.

Children who are socially disconnected will find it challenging to start and sustain conversations. They will feel out of place, and hence, they are prone to anxiety, depression and a host of others.  

As parents, it is important to place a limit on the amount of time your children spend playing games. In addition, you need to vet the games they play to be sure of their safety.

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